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- "...and ye shall throw money at the problem..." - Liberal Bible
- "Criminal lawyer"...isn't that redundant?
- "Good Enough" is the death knell of progress.
- "Gun control" isn't about guns...it's about control.
- "Politically Correct" the perfect oxymoron!
- "Reproductive choice" is neither.
- "We'll drive off that bridge when we come to it." - T.Kennedy
- "Why Johnny Can't Read" - now available on VHS...
- A Communist is a Liberal in a hurry!
- A diplomat thinks twice before saying nothing.
- A left winger's IQ is always the {NUL} set.
- A Liberal is a Conservative who was a victim of false arrest.
- A liberal is Society's version of a computer virus.
- A liberal's generosity is only limited by your income.
- A penny saved is a congressional oversight.
- A vasectomy means never having to say you're sorry.
- ACLU: Association of Corrupt Lawyers and Utopians
- AIDS, drugs, abortion: don't liberals just kill you?
- American kids have Nintendo; Japanese kids have homework.
- And ye shall throw money at the problem.--Liberals 19:93
- Anita Hill lied!
- Annoy a Liberal--remind them of the Reagan/Bush record
- Annoy a Taxpayer: ask them about the last Election....
- April: the month that lawns and the IRS get green.
- Are you a liberal? I'd slap you, but sh*t splatters.
- As a former fetus, I oppose abortion.
- At least Congress doesn't make death worse every year.
- ATF motto: "Let God sort out the innocent!"
- Bad officials are elected by good citizens who don't vote.
- Bad President Found (P)uke (I)mpeach (S)uffer......................
- BATF: Burn All Toddlers and Females
- Being liberal means never having to accept responsibility
- Beware of liberals bearing statistics.
- Biblotry: A mental disorder that only effects republicans.
- Bigot--anybody who wins an argument against a liberal
- Broad Based Contributions: Hidden Tax Costs passed onto consumers
- Broad Based Contributions: Taxes on the Middle Class
- But I didn't think it was against the law (Zoe Baird)
- Call 1 800 282-2882 for the truth about America!
- Charter Member of Journalists for Accuracy.
- Charter Member of Politicians for Ethics.
- Church parking only: Trespassers will NOT be forgiven.
- Coming next: Tagline Taxes
- Condoms: a liberal's excuse for irresponsibility.
- Conservative, one who accomplishes. Liberal, one who aint got a clue!
- Crime wouldn't pay if the government ran it.
- Criminals and tyrants want an unarmed populace.
- Cthulu '96-This time, why vote for the lesser of two evils?
- Cure for the Unemployment Problem: Get a Job!
- DaiMon Perot of the Ferengi Party: United We Steal
- Deficit now=290b, and after 500 bil of deficit reduction = 340b.
- Democrat Motto: I had some morals, but I gave them away.
- Democratic definition of democracy: Big Government Handouts.
- Democratic Prez + Democratic House + Democratic Senate = higher taxes
- Democrats in Congress: "Oh no, not another calling frenzy."
- Democrats place mediocrity on a level with excellence.
- Democrats: bad ideas in search of a big budget.
- Democrats: We've got what it takes to take what you got.
- Desperate times call for cheap shots.
- Disposables: Hitler called them Jews, Liberals call `em a fetus.
- Don't blame me...I voted for Bush/Quayle!
- Don't blame Rush Limbaugh...I was always like this!
- Don't think of it as dying: think of it as No More Taxes...
- DOS Perot: you boot it; it then decides if it will run
- Drugs, crime, sex, money...Congress is great, ain't it?
- Equality of the sexes leaves women standing on buses.
- Friends don't let friends vote Democratic.
- Government isn't the answer...government is the problem!
- Gun Control = People Control
- Gun control is a steady hand!
- Gun control is being able to drop a liberal at 500 yards!
- Gun control is the ability to hit your target!
- Gun control laws protect violent criminals.
- Guns don't kill people, Postal Workers do.
- Have you clubbed an ignorant liberal today?
- He's tan...he's rested...he's ready...NIXON in '96!
- I don't belong to an organized political party, I'm a republican.
- I have the heart of a liberal...in a jar on my desk!
- I think...therefore, I am a conservative.
- I think...therefore, I'm not a liberal.
- I voted for Bush! Don't you wish you did?
- I'm all for gays in the military, just not the U.S. military!
- I'm waiting for the '96 White House eviction notice!
- If it makes sense, it's against liberal policy.
- If it weren't for you, I'd have no blood pressure.
- If it's not CRUEL and UNUSUAL, it's not PUNISHMENT.
- If you think health care's expensive now, wait until it's free!
- Is it 1996 yet?
- Is there a liberal in the house? -=*BLAM*=- Any more?
- It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings the National Anthem and spits.
- Jack Kennedy was a dittohead
- Janet Reno is "Big Sister!"
- Japanese say Americans are lazy? Hah!, we cook our fish...
- Kennedy Family favorite sexual position: Defendant.
- Kennedy Motto: Even fools with money can be elected.
- Kennedy School of Driving - bring waterwings!
- Kennedy School of Swimming - automobile required.
- Kennedy's Bumper Sticker: "My other car is underwater."
- Kiss My Tax!!!
- Lee Harvey Oswald...where are you when we need you?
- Left-wingers Trying socialism again.
- Lessee...what'll I buy first from my no-tax-hike savings?
- Liberal Tactic #10: If all else fails, quit in a huff.
- Liberal Tactic #11: If quitting in a huff fails, see rule 1
- Liberal Tactic #1: When in doubt, tell a lie.
- Liberal Tactic #2: When caught lying, go into hysterics
- Liberal Tactic #3: When hysterics don't work, repeat #1
- Liberal Tactic #4: Anyone who disagrees with a liberal is a Nazi.
- Liberal Tactic #5: Arguments are lost only to bigots.
- Liberal Tactic #6: Lie about the past, and then repeat it.
- Liberal: A person who wants to be a philanthropist with YOUR money
- Liberal: one who lies about the past, and then tries to repeat it!
- Liberal: Society's version of a computer virus.
- Liberal: someone who lies about the past
- Liberalism is futile. We are EIB. You will be assimilated
- Liberalism is not dead, it will be in 3 years.
- Liberalism--the Politics of Arrogance.
- Liberals and bandits both want the population unarmed. Coincidence?
- Liberals figure everyone ELSE should be good at something
- Liberals give you the shirt off someone else's back.
- Liberals hold half-truths to be self evident.
- Liberals- call ultraconservatives fascist!
- Liberals--where head cheese comes from
- Liberals: Good with English, but poor at math.
- Liberals: Good with English, poor at math.
- Liberals: society's version of computer virii.
- Limbaugh Loses Show: Takes over as President!
- Limit Congress to 2 terms--one in Congress, one in jail.
- Lobotomies for Liberals! I bet they would LOVE that..
- Located next to the Rodney King School of Behavior Management.
- Lt. Frank Drebin was in charge of Waco operations.
- Making a deal with Congress is like paying a cannibal to eat you last.
- March into hell for a heavenly cause. Vote Democratic.
- May Ted Kennedy give you a ride home.
- May you live to see a great president in office again.
- Maybe it's inbreeding that makes the Democrats that way
- Mom! What kind of bug spray do I use on buggerers?
- Morality cannot be defined by individual choice.
- Only a liberal could coin a term such as "undertaxed."
- Oxymoron -- a wise democrat.
- Oxymoron -- Democratic logic.
- Oxymoron -- Liberal Logic.
- PBS: TV for the humor impaired.
- PC doesn't work.
- Political correctness is mentally challenged!
- Political Correctness: a marketing term for mind control
- Politically incorrect, and damn proud of it!
- Reduce taxes... run over a Democrat
- Remember: only _you_ can prevent liberalism.
- Republicans: We've got ours without a handout.
- Republicans: Can fix what only a liberal can screw up..
- Republicans: The only relief in sight.
- Republicans: When you come back to us, bring candy.
- Republicans: You will realize how much you miss us.
- RU-486? RU CRAZY?
- Rush Limbaugh: Commanding General of the Army of Truth.
- Rush Limbaugh: Why are liberals so afraid of the truth?
- Rush LimBorg: Liberals are irrelevant.
- Rush makes 'New Democrats' accountable for what they say/do.
- Rush speaks--liberals shake with humiliation and embarassment
- Save whales and kill unborn babies? I don't think so!
- Sinead O'Connor: a Chia Pet before adding water.
- Smith & Wesson--the ORIGINAL point-and-click interface!
- Support the Arts - shoot a rapper.
- TECHNICALITY: A liberal's view of the 2nd Amendment..
- Ted Kennedy party tip: take off pants and mingle.
- Ted Kennedy Party Tip: Take off pants, mingle
- Ted Kennedy Virus: Crashes your computer, but denies it ever happened.
- Ted Kennedy's bumper sticker: My other car is under water
- The Anita Hill Doll: pull string, it talks after 10 years.
- The April 15th Principle: A fool and your money are soon partners.
- The Borg: A liberal government in the 25th century.
- The Democratic emblem is a jack*ss -- obviously a character reference!
- The Democratic rule: "Confusion creates jobs!"
- The Feminist Express Card: don't leave HIM without it!
- The Fetus Express Card: don't leave the womb without it!
- The Kennedys' favorite sexual position: Defendant!
- The Republican emblem is an elephant... we never forget.
- The TRUTH--next, on the Rush Limbaugh program!
- The tuna doesn't taste the same without the dolphin.
- The weather is good, but the economy is bad !!!
- There are patriotic Americans and then there are liberal democrats.
- There are sore losers, pretty women, and Idiot Liberals
- To a feminist, circumcision doesn't go far enough...
- Trespassers WILL be violated - Sign at Kennedy homes
- Truth,Mainstream,Conservative,Think,Ourselves,..Party on RUSH!
- What this country needs are more unemployed Democrats!
- When women cease to attract men, they turn to Feminism.
- When you vote in `96, remember: Saddam has a job; how about you?
- Work harder...millions on welfare depend on you!
- Yesterday's flower children are today's blooming idiots!
- You are ten of the most boring people I know.
- You can always tell when a democrat lies... his lips move.
- You can't fool me; I know what an idiot is!!!
- Your mother dates Kennedys!